香月 恵介 展 - Filled with Light – Keisuke KATSUKI solo exhibition “Filled with Light”
Light and Colour (Goethe’s Theory) – The Morning after the Deluge – Moses Writing the Book of Genesis 1843 2015 / acrylic on canvas, panel / 785 x 785 mm
■アートフェア 2014 ART FAIR SAPPORO 2014(CROSS HOTEL SAPPORO/札幌) ART TAIPEI 2014(Taipei World Trade Center/台湾) THE ART FAIR +PLUS – ULTRA(Spiral 1F Spiral Garden/東京) Art Expo Malaysia 2014 (Menara Matrade, Jalan Khidmat Usaha, Off Jalan Duta/マレーシア) ASIA HOTEL ART FAIR SEOUL 2014(LOTTE HOTEL SEOUL/ソウル) BAZAAR ART JAKARTA 2014 (The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta Pacific Place/ジャカルタ) Affordable Art Fair Singapore(F1 Pit Building/シンガポール)