GALLERY KOGUREは、類いまれな技術と唯一の世界観で人々の内面を描いてきた後藤温子の個展を開催いたします。誰しもが心の中にひそやかに持っている思いを描いてきた後藤。個展の度に見る者を驚かせ魅了させてきた彼女は、絵を描く行為は夢を見る現象と同じという考えのもと、その中に現れる不可思議な物語や情景 = 心象風景(意識 / 無意識の中に潜んでいる情念のようなもの)を描きます。
もうひとつのテーマは “偶像” (idol) = 人々の願望、祈りや呪いを一身に受けるための空っぽの器としての存在です。どこにでもいる誰かのようで、誰でもない曖昧な存在。夢の中に出てくる、実在しないのに居る存在。人の祈りや呪いが形になって現れた、幽霊や幻影のような存在。そのような存在が漂う情景を、誰しもが抱いたことがあるのではないでしょうか?
絵画の技法や材料への探求心に裏打ちされた高い技術と、現代社会への鋭い洞察。彼女が描く作品は一見浮世離れした世界のように見えます。しかしそれらは同時に、凡庸な自分から解放されて他者からの羨望を手にしたい、退屈な日々から逃れて過激な世界に足を踏み入れてみたい、と思ってしまう現代人の心象風景でもあるのです。他の追随を許さないアーティストとなった後藤の現在を、ぜひご高覧ください。(GALLERY KOGURE)
2006 東京芸術大学 美術学部 絵画科 油画専攻 卒業
2007-08 パリ国立美術学校(Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris)留学
2010 東京芸術大学 大学院美術研究科 油画・技法材料研究室 修士課程修了
2014-17 東京芸術大学 大学院美術研究科 油画・技法材料研究室 非常勤講師
2022 女子美術大学芸術学部美術学科洋画専攻 非常勤講師
2023 「祝祭の憂鬱」 / Beinart gallery / メルボルン
GALLERY KOGURE is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Atsuko Goto, an artist who has depicted the inner worlds of people with exceptional skill and a unique vision.
Atsuko Goto has been painting the quiet, hidden thoughts that everyone holds in their hearts. With each solo exhibition, she continues to surprise and captivate her audience. Goto believes that the act of painting is similar to dreaming, where strange stories and images emerge—inner landscapes that reflect hidden emotions within both the conscious and unconscious mind.
Another key theme in her work is ‘idol’—a figure that exists as an empty vessel to receive people’s hopes, prayers, and curses. These ambiguous beings resemble someone who could be anyone, but at the same time, they are no one. They are like the figures that appear in dreams—unreal yet present, shaped by human desires or curses, like ghosts or phantoms. Haven’t we all encountered such fleeting presences in our minds?
Her works combine a mastery of painting techniques, driven by a deep curiosity for materials, with a sharp insight into modern society. Though her art may appear to depict fantastical worlds, it also reflects the inner landscapes of modern people—the desire to escape from a mundane self and be admired by others, or to break free from daily life and step into an extreme world. Atsuko Goto has become an artist like no other. We invite you to experience her world.
To win, to be envied, to attain greatness—everyone wants to be a ‘hero.’ Rather than live in despair over one’s own mediocrity and the monotony of daily life, we may choose to ignite our lives in a violent tragedy that transcends the everyday, bringing a kind of euphoric celebration. We are born, blessed, and live in a world fated for mutual destruction. Perhaps the peaceful daily life surrounding me now is just a fleeting dream seen by this cursed world.
(Atsuko Goto)
2006 Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting, Oil Painting Course
2007-08 Studied at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris
2010 Completed the Master’s Program in Oil Painting and Material Techniques at Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts
2014-17 Part-time Lecturer, Oil Painting and Material Techniques, Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts
2022 Part-time Lecturer, Department of Painting (Western Painting), Faculty of Fine Arts, Joshibi University of Art and Design
Exhibition (Selected)
2009 “Atsuko Goto Solo Exhibition” / Gallery Etienne de Causan / Paris
2012 “Gentle Silence” / Seibu Ikebukuro Main Store, Art Gallery
“Unable to Wake Up from a Dream” / LOWER AKIHABARA
2014 “Pray and Curse” / LOWER AKIHABARA
“Everything is Deception” / Mitsukoshi Ginza Store, Art Space ∞
2016 “An Empty Idol” / LOWER AKIHABARA
“Dreaming Monster” / Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi Main Store, Art Salon
2017 “The Silence of Idols” / Thinkspace Gallery / Los Angeles
2018 “The Happy Prince” / GALLERY KOGURE / New York
2019 “A Fairy Tale is Dreaming by Itself” / GALLERY KOGURE
“GENZO KITAN -Daydream-” Atsuko Goto Art Book Launch Exhibition / Maruzen Marunouchi Main Store
2023 “Melancholy Festival” / Beinart Gallery / Melbourne
Artist Official Instagram