ジガー・クルーズ – 無意識の革命 –
Jigger Cruz Solo Exhibition “No Meanings, Just My Head Seems To Be In A Fiery Senseless Revolution”

■2016.10.15 – 10.29
■11:00 – 18:30
■Closed on Sunday and Monday

No Meanings, Just My Head Seems To Be In A Fiery Senseless Revolution
2016 / oil on canvass / 91.4×121.9cm

2016 / oil in canvas / 30.4×40.6 cm

LOWER AKIHABARA.(GALLERY KOGURE)では、フィリピンを代表する若手アーティスト、ジガー・クルーズ展示を開催いたします。


Jigger Cruzは、大都市マラボンの敬謙なカソリック家庭に生まれ、大学ではファインアートとデザインを専攻。音楽も制作する一方で、折々にスタイルを変えながら抽象画を発表。近年はNYやベルリンでも度々個展を行っている。2006年頃からの約10年の作家活動で、フィリピンの若手アーティストで最も注目される存在となった。例えば、古典や近代絵画のキャンバス骨組みをむき出しにして、その上に極めてカラフルにそこから沸き起こるかのような強烈な抽象をインストールしたり、シンプルかつ明確な行為によって、過去の破壊と固定観念への反発を強く表現した抽象画を描いた。それらにはストリートミュージックのような生き生きとした音楽性が宿り、どの制作もパワーに溢れているのだが、その破壊力以上に魅力的だったのは、理由を付けがたい彼の非凡な抽象の絵画力であり、彼はものすごい勢いでフィリピン国内のみならず広く米国や欧州でも注目される存在となった。

日本初展示となる本展では、”No Meanings, Just My Head Seems To Be In A Fiery Senseless Revolution”と題し、無意味をテーマに「意味などない。私の脳裏は、無意識の革命に燃えて闘う」とした。

彼は早熟の異端児となり、そこには制作の苦労とは別の、彼の作品を取り巻く様々な苦い社会経験が雑念となっていることも想像できる。本展は、ほんの一時でも思考を停止し、作為のない抽象の彼方へ行きたい、というアーティストとしての純粋な思いからなるものとなった。彼の絵を見れば、我々が見慣れたビジュアルや言葉で飾られた表現が何なのか、定義された美しさとは何であるかがわかるのではないだろうか。オートマティズムの限界ににたどり着く方法を模索し、人々を魅了してきたJigger Cruzの新作展を、是非ご高配ください。

LOWER AKIHABARA (GALLERY KOGURE) pleased announce solo exhibition of Jigger Cruz.

The Philippines is blessed with vast nature with world’s fourth length of coastal lines while the myriad of the chaos closed by the deep darkness such as poverty and crimes and the economically growing urban areas are blending at same time. The country is about to achieve the significant transformation under the powerful leadership from the new president. With its long history consisting of the rule under control by the Islamic country, Spain, United States and Japan, and emergence and collapse of the Marcos dictatorship, the country’s unique modern art created by generations who have witnessed such history or later has made a clear departure from the other Southeast Asian countries and has turned into a large art market with an explosive power over the past 10 years after the dramatic evolution seen since the 1990s.

Jigger Cruz was born in a religious Catholic home in the big city Malabon and majored the fine art and design in the college. He presents abstract paintings with a various styles from time to time while he makes music. In recent years he has often exhibited in New York and Berlin. Now he’s become one of the iconic young artists in the Philippines after about 10 years of his artistic efforts since 2006.

He drew, for example, the installation classic and modern art of the powerful abstraction as if it arises from there with the extremely colorful images painted on the canvas and on, or even out of, its framework, as well as the abstract paintings giving a strong expression of the destruction of the past and the backlash against the stereotype by simple and clear actions. Lively melodies like street music resides in all of his works filled with the powerful energy, but what is more attractive for him than its power, is his unreasonable and extraordinary skill of abstract paintings, turning himself to be a well-known artist not only domestically but also in the U.S. and the Europe.

The exhibition in this time is his first shot in Tokyo set the unconsciousness as its theme with the title of “No Meanings, Just My Head Seems To Be In A Fiery Senseless Revolution”. Since he is a precocious maverick, it can be imagined that there is an idle thought in a various bitter social experiences related to his works as well as the difficulties he faces with the art work production itself. The exhibition saw his pure thought as an artist, a desire to stop thinking even just temporarily and to go over the abstraction with no artificiality. His paintings may tell you the meanings of expressions decorated with the familiar visuals and words as well as the beauty which has already been defined. Jigger Cruz has been Looking for ways to reach the limit of automatism and has been fascinating people, it is now time for you to appreciate his works at the 1st solo show in Japan.