中村周子 -何者の物語-
Shuko Nakamura solo exhibition -Narrative of Someone-
1 – 9 September 2023
1 – 9 September 2023
12:00 – 18:00
No holiday
2-14-19, Kandajinbocho, Chiyoda-ku, TOKYO #101-0051

GALLERY KOGUREは9月1日より、「中村周子 ー何者の物語ー」を開催いたします。多摩美術大学油画専攻を卒業後、被り物や創作面の制作に傾倒していた中村。東京国立博物館の能面展『伝説の面打たち』(2020年)を観た際に一瞬にして胸をうたれ、能楽そのものを一から学ぶ決心をし、能楽堂へ通うようになり、迷うことなく能面師・新井達矢から面打ちを、能楽師・土屋周子から仕舞の稽古を受けながら現在も制作を続けています。以来、能楽から受けた衝撃や知識、技術を、自分の作品として再構築しています。まず古来面を模すところから始めた中村は、飽くなき探求心と能への深い愛情のなかで貪欲に伝統を学びつつ、温故知新から遠い未来を思わせる御面に発展させてきました。その面影は言霊と中村の身体から滲み出る魂の形であり、神に捧ぐ貢物のようにその姿を留めています。GALLERY KOGUREで初の個展となる本展では、近新作の御面と被り物を展覧いたします。それぞれに物語があり、能面の域にとらわれない表情豊かな作品が一同に会します。ぜひご高覧くださいませ。

1988年 東京生まれ。
2012年 多摩美術大学油画科卒業。
2018年 被り物や創作面の制作を始める。
2020年 東京国立博物館で能面展を観た事をきっかけに、能楽や古典文学をテーマにした創作面の制作を始める。
2021年 能面作家の新井達矢氏に師事する。
2022年 宝生流能楽師の土屋周子氏に師事する。


GALLERY KOGURE will be holding the solo exhibition “Shuko Nakamura – Narrative of Someone -” from September 1st. After graduating from the Oil Painting Department at Tama Art University, Nakamura became deeply interested in creating masks. When she saw the exhibition “Legendary Makers of Noh* Masks” at the Tokyo National Museum in 2020, she was instantly captivated and made the decision to learn Noh from scratch. She started attending Noh theaters and began studying mask-making under the guidance of mask artist Tatsuya Arai, as well as practicing the dance movements under Noh performer Shuko Tsuchiya. She continues to create art while incorporating the impact, knowledge, and techniques she has gained from Noh. Starting with imitating traditional masks, Nakamura has been diligently studying and exploring the traditions while infusing her own unique style, which evokes a sense of the distant future while also staying true to the ancient roots. The essence of her work is a manifestation of the spiritual energy that emanates from her words and her physical presence, resembling an offering dedicated to the gods. This exhibition at GALLERY KOGURE, her first solo exhibition, will showcase her recent works of masks and headpieces. Each artwork has its own story, bringing together expressive pieces that go beyond the realm of Noh masks. We invite you to come and see for yourself.

Noh* is a Japanese traditional performing art that has been registered as the First Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in 2008. It is called a “mask drama” or “masked performance”. In this performance, actors wear Noh masks and elaborate costumes, accompanied by melodic chanting with rhythmic patterns, music from flutes and drums, and dialogue and dance movements, all of which progress the story.

Artist CV
1988 Born in Tokyo
2012 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department at Tama Art University
2018 Started creating masks and original face designs
2020 Inspired by attending a Noh mask exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum and began creating masks with themes related to Noh theater and classical literature
2021 Became an apprentice to Noh mask artist Tatsuya Arai
2022 Became an apprentice to Noh performer Shuko Tsuchiya from the Hosho school

Artist Official Instagram

一角仙人 (Ikkaku Sennin) 段ボール、水性ボンド、アクリル絵の具 (cardborad, glue and acrylic paint) H70xW70xD47cm 2020

翁 – 白式尉- (Okina -Hakushikijou-) 粘土、和紙、顔彩、兎毛皮、馬尾毛 (clay, Japanese paper, pigment, rabbit fur and horse tail) H60xW22xD9cm 2022