東京の中心にありながら、第二次世界大戦の戦禍を免れた古書の町・神田神保町。白山通りと靖国通りの大きな交差点を中心に広がるエリアは、一歩足を踏み入れれば無数の裏道が広がり、喫茶店、大学、中華街といった様々な顔を持つ。数百万の古書画が集まるこの町に、2006年3月、GALLERY KOGUREをオープン。画廊での展覧会のほか、年間10数ヶ国でアートフェアを中心とした展示をおこなっている。
Located in the heart of Tokyo, Kanda Jimbocho is a town known for its antique books that miraculously escaped the ravages of World War II. The area, centered around the large intersection of Hakusan-dori and Yasukuni-dori, is filled with countless backstreets, each with its own unique character, including cafes, universities, and a Chinatown. In this town, where millions of rare books and artworks are gathered, GALLERY KOGURE opened its doors in March 2006. In addition to hosting gallery exhibitions, GALLERY KOGURE organizes exhibitions primarily focused on art fairs in over ten countries annually.
On view & Upcoming exhibition is HERE.